Want to improve your LTA Rating?



Jeannie Ratings Box Leagues

Join a Jeannie Ratings Box League to play regular competitive tennis

Jeannie Ratings Box Leagues give senior players (age 21 or over) the opportunity to play competitive singles against opponents from neighbouring clubs. Players are matched on their current LTA Rating and performance in earlier box league rounds.

There will be a minimum of 4 players per box giving players the opportunity to play 3 Ratings Matches per season.

Match results are submitted to the LTA. So, by playing Jeannie Ratings Box Leagues and winning matches you will improve your LTA Rating.


Matches are played as two tiebreak sets and a 10 point championship deciding tiebreaker if necessary.

For each match Tennis Jeannie will nominate one player as the home player and the other the away player. Players will have an equal spread of home and away fixtures. Normally matches are played at the home player's club. However players may choose to play the match on a public park court or at a local indoor pay and play centre if this is more convenient to both players.

Tennis Jeannie helps players to arrange matches on dates and at times that are mutually convenient.

Jeannie Ratings Box League Seasons

There are 4 box league seasons per year. Each season coincides with the LTA Ratings Run dates. Seasons start soon after publication of the new player ratings list and ends on the cut-off date for matches to be played in the current Ratings Run. The 4 Jeannie Ratings Box League Seasons are:

Grape - Spring (French Open - fine wine, grapes and cheese)

Strawberry - Summer (Wimbledon - strawberries and cream)

Apple - Autumn (US Open in New York - the Big Apple)

Tangerine - Winter (Christmas)

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