Colchester Officers' Club Tennis Box Leagues




Click on the How to Guides button above to view step by step guides on everything from how to Register and Enter box leagues to arranging matches and submitting results.

You may also wish to view the animated Demo. Note that you do not have watch the whole help movie in one viewing; you can jump to sections of interest using the navigation tools.

You will also find context sensitive help screens on most webpages.

Match Count


Number of Tennis Jeannie
Box League matches played.


Our Box Leagues are now up and running. If you haven't already entered, you can enter at anytime and will be placed into the leagues the following month.

If you have already entered, lets get organising! Jeannie can do most of the work for you. Either select a day and time and Jeannie will find you an opponent or view your opponents' diaries to find a convenient match date. Aside from that, you can email your opponents, send them a text or do it the old fashion way and give them a ring.

Whichever way, get organising. And enjoy!












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