Club Box Leagues

Why tennis clubs should operate box leagues

A well run box league programme gives tennis club members the opportunity to play a wider group of players. Members are able to break out of the routine of playing the same regular 4 for tennis social doubles.

Competitive play improves playing standards which is good news for your tennis club's standing in your local team tennis leagues. It is also good news for coaches as players strive to improve their game.

Playing box league tennis provides a compelling reason for members to play tennis on a regular basis which will have a positive impact on member retention rates.

Box league tennis is a great way to help new members to integrate into the club.

Problems with club box leagues

After the first flush of enthusiasm when box leagues are first launched interest wanes; matches do not get played and the box league display on the club noticeboard looks like yesterday's newspaper with handwritten scrawl: "injured", "scratched" or a simple black lines struck through player names.

Why use Tennis Jeannie Box League Manager

Tennis Jeannie is a feature rich Internet based application. A separate website is created and hosted for each club. Tennis clubs do not have to install or maintain any software. Tennis Jeannie is a managed service.

The Tennis Jeannie Box League Manager admin tools make it very easy for tennis clubs to setup and manage a box league programme. From tournament entry through to posting final league tables Tennis Jeannie offers a professional service which delights club members whilst minimising the effort required to manage the club box league programme.

At the same time Tennis Jeannie helps players to arrange matches. Tennis Jeannie is a PA for players: players tell Tennis Jeannie when they are available to play box league tennis and when they are not available. Since Tennis Jeannie knows the availability of the other players in the same box Tennis Jeannie is able to help players schedule their box league matches.

Clubs using Tennis Jeannie Box League Manager find that box league matches get played and momentum is maintained.

Tennis Jeannie has been operating since 2005. In that time the functionality has been continually developed to meet the evolving needs of players and clubs.

Tennis Jeannie is used by large commercial clubs with hundreds of players competing in multiple box league tournament events to small community clubs with much fewer players. Jeannie Ltd is able to offer flexible pricing options to meet the budget of all clubs.

If you would like to know more click Contact Us and send a request to Jeannie Support.


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