
    How to use the main Tennis Jeannie functions


This facility enables you to compare your diary with that of a selected opponent. It is the same as asking an opponent for the dates when he is available to play so that you can compare it with your own availability.

Having selected a date that works all you need to do to launch a match invite is to click on the timeslot. Jeannie will send a match invite to your opponent which will include all of the essential information. You can add a personal note to the match invite.

Search for Match Dates

Go to [Leagues] and click on the Search for Match Dates button or the Find-a-Date button on your Fixture List. Jeannie will display a screen similar to that shown below.

Each timeslot on your diary is divided into two sections. The top half of the timeslot shows your availability (in this case Ton)  and the bottom half shows the availability of your opponent (AjR).


Select a Date

The timeslots indicated with the number "2" are possible dates because one player is definitly available whilst the other player "Maybe" available. However the Saturday Morning timeslot (marked as "1") is the best fit because both players are Available.

If there is no date match on the first week click through to the following week.

Launch Match Invite

To select a date simply click on your chosen timeslot. Jeannie will prepare a match invite message to your opponent which will include the tournament details and the proposed date / time of the match.

Jeannie will invite your opponent to eithr Accpet or Decline your invite.

The proposed date / time is automatically added to your diary so other players know not to try and arrange a match with you on this date.

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