
    How to use the main Tennis Jeannie functions

Broadcast Match Invite (BMI)

Broadcast Match Invites (BMI) are a great way to arrange your matches. You select the date and time when you want to play and Jeannie will find you an opponent.

Take a look at the Demo - How to arrange matches (send match invite)

(Note some of the screens have been modified since the Take the Tour movie was made.)

Send Multiple BMI invites

Instead of calling all of your opponents and leaving messages with the dates when you can play send a BMI for each date / timeslot.

If a player accepts the first BMI invite Jeannie will automatically remove them from the invite list on the other open BMI invites.

How to Launch a BMI

Go to [Leagues] and click on the Broadcast Match Invite button.

If your club is running a singles and doubles league there will be a separate buttons: one for [Singles Matches] and another for [Doubles Matches]

Jeannie will invite you to select a date and time when you want to play. Simply click on a timeslot.

Jeannie will check the availability of the other players in your box. You can also deselect players.

You can add your own message in the text box provided. Then click [Send BMI message].

Note that your Broadcast Match Invite will not be posted until you click [Send BMI message]

The first player to respond gets to play and Jeannie stands down the other players on the invite.


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